HTW Blog: «Transylvania- a touch of the unexplored»

Die ist ein Blog-Beitrag der HTW Chur.

During the fourth semester, we had to organize a study week abroad as part of the module “project management in practice”. After a brainstorming session together, the destination Romania was chosen, more precisely Transylvania. Due to the size of the country, we have limited it to this region. Romania has many resources to develop successful tourism and we have set ourselves the task of analyzing Romania’s potential for leisure tourism.

The goal was to be able to answer the following research questions: What is the touristic potential of Transylvania and how can it be further exploited? Are there any existing political frameworks for tourism development? How can the existing touristic offer be improved in a sustainable way?

In order to answer all these questions, we organized business meetings with tourism organization. Transylvania has a very high potential, as tourism is not yet very developed. All the resources necessary to develop successful tourist products are given: Nature, mountains, many cultural sights like the castles, palaces and monasteries, the sea and Danube Delta. However, there is a lack of concrete products.

Establishing a successful product requires a great deal of initiative, since the state does not give much support. At our business meetings it was clear that they are more likely to be hindered by the state and are therefore happy if they do not interfere. In addition, the companies need a lot of equity capital to be able to build something. Moreover, a great competition thinks among the different companies, instead of cooperating.

Although the universities offer good degrees, only a small percentage of the students remain in the country, as they do not see a great future and the payment in the industry is very low.

We believe that the political system should be rethought and simplified, and that a DMO system should be set up, but it should be independent of the government.

Even though master plans and financing plans exist from the ministry, it does not reach the basis. The bureaucracy is far too complex and complicated, and some regulations are unnecessary. This leads that the people do not apply for the supporting money. However, the entrepreneurs try to establish their business on their own.

In order to build successful and sustainable tourism, some steps have to be taken. The infrastructure needs to be improved, since mostly only country roads lead to the cities and these are often in a bad condition. In addition, it would be to relieve the inhabitants if no more large tourist cars would drive through the village centers. Then, as already indicated, concrete products must be developed, and quality management and complaint management must also be introduced in order to create a certain quality. Companies need to be more in touch with their guests in order to meet their needs. In addition, people need to be taught how important cooperation’s are and how to work sustainable in a community in order to be successful.


Die Autorin

Simone Andrist studiert im vierten Semester Tourismus an der HTW Chur und war während der Study Week für alle kommunikationsrelevanten Themen zuständig.


(Bilder: HTW Chur)